Gamification in advertising
Gamification in marketing is an enhanced technique that borrows design elements from games and uses them in advertising contexts to attract and retain customers.

In gamified advertising, consumers are driven to perform an action because it offers elements of competition or reward. These elements can run the game from spin to win, pop-ups and actual video games.This is  great for getting consumer attention but it also delivers valuable data. You can offer an exciting reward in exchange for a customer’s contact information. After collecting the data you can use it in your marketing communications.

Video games have a mass worldwide appeal and gamified content works because it’s fun, interactive, challenging, and relaxing.Games are a great way to capture your audience’s attention.

Why gamify your ads?
Video games have a mass worldwide appeal and gamified content works because it’s fun, interactive, challenging, and relaxing.Games are a great way to capture your audience’s attention.
There’s over 1 billion online gamers worldwide and there is a projected growth that is expected in the near future. According to a  survey, 26% of Gen Z respondents say video games are their favorite entertainment activity. Worldwide, video games capture 52.9% of the digital media market and its  growth is 11.9% per year on average. This growth is driven largely by mobile games.
Benefits of  gamification
Gamification in advertising is very effective.
Below are the advantages of using this method of marketing;
Collecting customer data.
In a way that complies with GDPR, CCPA, and the end of 3rd party cookies. Customers may opt to share data with you in exchange for playing your game.
Brand awareness.
Gamified ads encourage customers to share their winning scores or photos on social media which aids in brand awareness.
Audience education.
An interactive quiz or trivia game can be a fun way to inform people about your brand.
Increases engagement.
Games are an entertaining way that enables your audience to engage with your brand.
Drive conversion.
If you reward people with coupon vouchers or points they will likely come back to spend it.

Gamification in advertising helps in taking user engagement to the next level.
Once you are able to engage your customers with gamified ads , you can move your efforts forward by leveraging the UGC (user generated content) that games produce. You can share, like, and retweet your customers’ brag posts on social media. You can also create a branded hashtag which players can use on social media so your campaign gets maximum engagement. You can even post a leaderboard of winners on your website.

Let’s get gaming through Viral Gorrrila!

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